Free Genealogy Biography of M. L. Davis,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War
Dr. M. L. Davis
Dr. M. L. Davis, of Lancaster, is a brother to Samuel T. Davis; served in the late civil war from 1863 to 1865, when he was discharged; entered State Normal School at Millersville, afterwards the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, from which institution he graduated in the class of 1870.
After graduation he located at Rohrerstown, in 1874 removed to Millersville, and in 1882 to Lancaster. He is a member of the State and County Medical Societies.
Source: History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, with Biographical Sketches of Many of its Pioneers and Prominent Men; Philadelphia; Everts and Peck, 1883.
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Davis in Census Images
Davis U.S. census records. The 1910 census lists Civil War survivors.
Davis in Newspapers
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Davis in PA County History Books
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