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Free Genealogy Biography of William Elliot,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

William Elliott

William Elliott, youngest son of Eli H. and Maria (Baird) Finley, was born in Menallen township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, April 7, 1843, died March 11, 1905. He was educated in the public school and remained at the home farm until his departure for the front during the civil war.

He enlisted in August. 1861, in Company I, Eighty-fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, serving three years and four months, when he received his honorable, discharge. He was severely wounded at the battle of Fair Oaks and was confined in the hospital at Philadelphia for three months before he was able to rejoin his regiment.

After the war he returned to Fayette county and for seventeen years thereafter he cultivated his father's farm. Immediately after the sale of the farm and the erection of the Buffington Works thereon, he moved to Uniontown, where he engaged in teaming very successfully until his death. He was a man of high standing in his community, faithful and upright in all his business engagements and highly esteemed. He was a Republican in politics and served as assessor and borough auditor. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the Presbyterian church.

He married, April 6, 1870, Mrs. Rachel C. (Moore) Sharpnack, born in German township, Fayette county, daughter of Abraham Moore and widow of Jasper N. Sharpnack. She is a great-granddaughter of Captain Cowan, an officer in the revolution. She is also a great-granddaughter of Captain John Moore, and his wife Margaret (Colvin) Moore, who came from Maryland in 1765 and settled in Redstone township, Fayette county, on a tract yet owned in the Moore family. Aaron, son of Captain John Moore, married Mary Haney and had: John, William, Abraham, Margaret and Mary. Abraham, son of Aaron Moore, was born in Fayette county, May 17, 1823, died August 28, 1902. He was a farmer of Fayette county and a man highly esteemed. He married Adeline McClean, born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, April 2, 1823, died December 24, 1894, daughter of John and Rachel (Cowan) McClean, old settlers of Westmoreland county. She was one of a family of eight children: Gibson, Samuel, William, Thomas, Mary, Isabel, Adeline and Rachel, Children of Abraham and Adeline (McClean) Moore: John Seymour, a farmer of German township ; Aaron, deceased, and Rachel C. (see forward). Rachel C., daughter of Abraham Moore, married (first), October 1, 1868, Jasper N. Sharpnack, born in Fayette county, son of John and Sarah Sharpnack. On October 12, just twelve days after his marriage, he was drowned. She married (second) William Elliott Finley, of previous mention. She is a member of the Presbyterian church and since she became a widow has resided at her home No. 64 South Mount Vernon avenue, Uniontown.

Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1912.

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