Free Genealogy Biography
of Jacob Foltz,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War
Jacob Foltz
This family came direct to the United States from the Father land between the years 1840 and 1845. The founders were Jacob and Katherine Foltz, who were married in Germany, and soon afterward came to the United States. They settled in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, where Jacob purchased a farm near Pittsburgh. Later he sold this property and purchased land at Glades Run, Butler county, Pennsylvania, where his wife died in 1866.
Jacob Foltz was a brave soldier of the Civil war, serving for three years in a Pennsylvania regiment, then re-enlisting in Company F One Hundred and Seventy-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 178th Regiment, serving until honorably discharged at the close of the war. He was wounded in battle and died from the effects in 1867. He was engaged at Bull Run and in many of the hard fought historic battles of the great war between the States.
Children of Jacob and Katherine Foltz: 1. Christianna, married Peter Nichols, of Butler county, Pennsylvania. 2. Jacob, died 1863. 3. Katherine, married Charles Mackey, of Pittsburgh. 4. Mary, married Charles Groves, of Butler county, Pennsylvania. 5. Henry, married Malinda Irwin, of Butler county. 6. Elizabeth, married Winfield Scott. 7. George, a farmer of Butler county, Pennsylvania. 8. Margaret, married Thomas M. Madden, of Pittsburgh. 9. David C., of whom further. 10. William, a farmer of Fayette county; married Minnie Hawkes. 11. Sadie, married Benjamin Charles, of Pittsburgh.
Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1912.
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Foltz Genealogy Records
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Foltz in Census Images
Foltz U.S. census records. The 1910 census lists Civil War survivors.
Foltz in Newspapers
Look for Foltz in historic PA newspapers. Articles may list battles, draft lists, soldiers returning home, lists of killed, injured, and POWs.
Foltz in PA County History Books
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Civil War Research
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