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Free Genealogy Biography of John Galey,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

John Galey

JOHN B. GALEY, oil producer, was born in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, January 7, 1842, son of John and Eliza (Burnside) Galey. John Galey came to Venango county in 1847 and settled on a farm in Irwin township, where he died in 1865. His wife Eliza died in 1842 and was the mother of seven children; Edward, deceased; Mary J.; Ellen, deceased; Burnside; Marsaile; Smith, and John B.

Mr. Galey was again married, to Elizabeth Barber in 1846, who died in 1887, the mother of four children: Samuel; Sarah; Catharine, and William C.

John B. Galey was educated in the common schools and began for himself by drilling oil wells. December 24, 1868, he was married to Elizabeth J. Brandon, born November 12, 1848, in Venango county.

He enlisted in Company L, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry , September 15, 1861, for a term of three years; in 1863 he was discharged, but re-enlisted while yet in the field as a veteran for three years more and served till the close of the war.

On his return he contracted and drilled oil wells.

He is the father of two children: Nellie A. and Jesse B. He is a member of the A.O.U.W. and Knights of Maccabees, a Republican with strong Prohibition proclivities, and with his wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church.

Source: History of Venango County, Pennsylvania: its past and present, including its aboriginal history, the French and British occupation of the country, its early settlement and subsequent growth, a description of its historic and interesting localities, its rich oil deposits and their development, sketches of its cities, boroughs, townships, and villages, neighborhood and family history, portraits and biographies of pioneers and representative citizens, statistics, etc.; Chicago, Ill.: Brown, Runk & Co., 1890.

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