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Free Genealogy Biography of Henry Kurtz,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Henry Kurtz

Henry, son of Josiah Kurtz, was born in Connellsville, Pennsylvania, August 29, 1841. He was educated in the public schools and learned the trade of hatter.

He lived in Connellsville until August 16, 1862, when he enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Forty-second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 142nd Regiment, under Captain Du Shane, serving three years until the end of the war, being mustered out July 4, 1865. After the battle of Chancellorsville he was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps.

He later returned to Connellsville and engaged in mercantile business, continuing in business forty years. In 1908 he sold out and is now living a retired life in the city of his birth. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of the Christian church. He has served as quartermaster of William Kurtz Post, Grand Army of the Republic, since organization. He married, December 17, 1868. Emma Enos, born in Connellsville, November 26, 1844, daughter of Jonathan Enos, born in Somerset county, December 12, 1814, of Lancaster county parents who early settled in Somerset; he married Mary Keilers, born July 30, 1820, in Connellsville; he came to Fayette county in 1834, where he followed his trade of blacksmith in Connellsville until his death in 1879. His wife Mary died February, 1911. They were both members of the Christian church (Disciples of Christ). Children of Henry Kurtz: 1. James L., born October 15, 1869: now cashier of the Citizens' National Bank of Connellsville; married Florence Wolf. 2. Arthur Enos, of whom further. 3. Beulah Kate, born July 2, 1879, died aged twenty-six years. 4. J. Fred, born September 7, 1881; now secretary of Connellsville Chamber of Commerce.

Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1912.

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