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PA Civil War > Biography > Myers  

Free Genealogy Biography of Samuel Myers,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Samuel Myers

Samuel Myers was born in West Hempfield Township, Lancaster Co., Penn., December 25, 1835. He was the fourth of the twelve children of Jacob and Magdalena (Myers) Myers, of Lancaster County, where he was brought up, receiving a myers common school education. At twelve years of age he began to work on the farm of Andrew Brubaker, and remained with him six years, after which he began to learn painting with Samuel Coffman, which he continued for about one year.

October 8, 1856, he was married to Fannie Kuhns, daughter of Jacob Kuhns of West Hempfield Township, and was blessed with a family of four boys and five girls--two boys and two girls still living. After his marriage he worked three years for John Bowers of Lancaster County.

On the 5th of August, 1864, he enlisted in Company A, Two Hundred and Third Pennsylvania Volunteers, 203rd Regiment, under Captain J. B. Bauchman, and took part in the engagements at New Market road, Virginia, and at Fort Fisher, N. C. He was honorably discharged in June, 1865, and returned to Lancaster County, where he was engaged in farming and tobacco raising until March, 1881, when he removed to York County, and is at present engaged in farming and fruit raising. Mr. Myers is a member of the Osceola Tribe, No. 11, of R., M., of Columbla, Lancaster County, is a member of Post 122. G. A. R., and was at one time constable of West Hempfield Township.

Source: York County, Pennsylvania Biographical History, John Gibson, Chicago: F.A. Battey Publishing Co., 1886.

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