Free Genealogy Biography of David Noel
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War
David Noel
David Noel, farmer and blacksmith, Section 28, P. O. Valencia. Has seventy-five acres under cultivation, balance timber; well improved, with good house, barn, granary, etc. Has also a blacksmith shop with all necessary tools for general work. Does all kinds of blacksmithing and horseshoeing. His farm is very fertile, producing good crops. It has also a good young orchard, besides a quantity of small fruit.
He was born in Franklin County, Penn., July 10, 1844, residing there until seventeen years of age, when he enlisted in Company B, One Hundred and Seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, 107th Regiment, serving in the army of Eastern Virginia, until 1863, when his command was consolidated with the army of the Potomac, he having re-enlisted in 1863 in the same company. He participated in all the principal battles in Virginia and Maryland.
At the second battle of Bull Run he was captured and paroled in the field. He was promoted to First Sergeant, holding that position until mustered out in July, 1865.
He then went to Wyandotte County, Ohio, and afterward learned his trade at Upper Sandusky, following it until he came to Kansas, in 1879. He was married October 22, 1868, to Miss Delia Rouk, a native of Tiffin, Ohio. They have five children -Nettie M., Charles E., William C., Cora D. and Bessie E. He is a member and steward of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Valencia.
Source: History of the State of Kansas; William G. Cutler; A.T. Andreas, Chicago, IL; 1883
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