Free Genealogy Biography of Walter Ruby
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War
Walter B. Ruby
Walter B. Ruby, detective and constable, is a son of Joseph and Sarah (Barnhart) Ruby, was born at Wrightsville, Penn., October 20, 1844, is one of fourteen children, and is of Scotch-German descent. The father was born in Somerset County, Penn., January 20, 1809, and died in York County, in 1871; the mother was born in York County, in 1811. In 1845 the Ruby family came to York. Mr. Ruby received a common school education, and at fourteen years of age began for himself in life; for some time he was news boy on the Northern Central Railroad
In August, 1862, he enlisted in Company K, One Hundred and Thirtieth Pennsylvania Volunteers, 130th Regiment, but on account of physical disability, was discharged in December of the same year. In January, 1864, he enlisted again in the One Hundred and Eighty-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, 187th Regiment, Company B, and was discharged at the close of the war.
In 1874 he was given a position on the York police force, where he continued until 1879, and has since that time been acting in his present capacity. In 1880 and 1881, he was made foreman of the Laurel Fire Company. His marriage occurred in 1872, to Miss Sarah J. Fishel, of York County; he is a Democrat. and a member of the I. O. O. F., and I. O. H.
Source: York County, Pennsylvania Biographical History, John Gibson, Chicago: F.A. Battey Publishing Co., 1886.
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