Free Genealogy Biography of Edward L. Schroder
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War
Edward L. SchroderCaptain Edward L. Schroder was born in York. York Co., Penn., and is a son of Emanuel and Mary (Laucks) Schroder, and of German and Scotch origin. His father was born in York in 1803, and his mother in York County, 1809. Our subject was educated in the York public schools and the York County Academy. He learned the trade of cabinet-making.
He was a member of the Worth Infantry Military Company (Capt. Thomas A. Zeigle), when that company was called in service April 20, 1861. He entered the service; the company became Company A, Sixteenth Regiment, and served until mustered out July 30, 1861. October 22, 1861, he enlisted in Company F, Fifth Maryland Volunteers, for the term of three years, was appointed sergeant-major of the regiment, commissioned second lieutenant of Company A, March 16, 1862, and first lieutenant of Company H same year (December 10, 1862), and captain of Company I, April 7, 1864.
He took part in the historie engagement between the "Monitor" and "Merrimac." was at Antietam and Winchester, Va., June 13 to 15, 1863, was taken prisoner of war on June 15, and was for eighteen months in Southern prisons. He spent eleven months in the famous Libby Prison at Richmond, Va., was under fire of Union batteries in Charleston, S. C., was paroled at Columbia, S. C., and sent to Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md., December 15, 1864, and on January 28, 1865, was honorably mustered out of the service.
His marriage was solemnized July 1, 1878, to Miss Kate Lancks, daughter of David Lancks, of Berks County, Penn. In politics he is a Republican, is a Mason and Knight Templar, and member of I. O. O. F., also a member of Post 37, G.A. R., has been senior vice commander and post commander and an aide-de-camp on the staff of the commander-in-chief of the G. A. R. of the United States, and director Western National Bank.
Source: York County, Pennsylvania Biographical History, John Gibson, Chicago: F.A. Battey Publishing Co., 1886.
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