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Free Genealogy Biography of Manaen Sharp,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Manaen Sharp

Manaen Sharp was born October 22, 1837, in Amity, this county, and in childhood was an independent, rather self-willed boy, but very careless in dress. One suspender was as good as two in his estimation, misplaced buttons were forgotten, and his boots were soon run down at the heel in short, he was an original character.

He was so fond of hunting that his older brothers gave him the nickname of "Nimrod." On one occasion he caught a live rabbit, and notifying the boys to bring their dogs, prepared to have an exciting chase. Each boy held a dog, while Manaen with his rabbit advanced some distance, then freeing the animal, gave chase, the other boys and dogs following with pandemoniac yells and whoops, and the chase was on. It was brought to a speedy and unexpected terminus a large bulldog that had never seen a rabbit joined in the chase, but he was in pursuit of higher game, and catching the young leader by the leg, gave him a lasting souvenir of that rabbit chase, which the "Squire" carries to the present day.

The official title of "squire " was bestowed upon him during an election, when the boys held a juvenile "congress" in a tailor shop, and a journeyman tailor coming in just as the returns were made out, published the story.

On April 8, 1858, Manaen Sharp was united in marriage with Sarah A. Bebout, who has borne him three children: James N. (married to Sarah Ellen Dagg), Ada (Mrs. George McCollum) and Annie (at home).

After his marriage Mr. Sharp farmed for a time, and in 1861 enlisted in Company B (M. Zollars, Captain), Eighty-Fifth, 85th Regiment, P. V. I., Joshua B. Howell, commanding. During the winter of 1861-62 the regiment was quartered at Fort Good Hope, Washington, D. C. He took part in the siege of Yorktown, and the battle of Williamsburgh, and in September, 1862, was discharged at Philadelphia on account of disability.

Returning home he entered mercantile life, carrying on business successively in Amity, Beallsville, Amity and Washington. He has prospered in business life, having overcome the careless habits of boyhood, and is now carrying on a furniture establishment in Washington, Penn., with his son James N., as junior partner. In 1856 Manaen Sharp united with the M. P. Church, of Amity, Penn., with which his family is also connected. He is a member of the G. A. R., and in politics was formerly a Republican, but is now voting the Prohibition ticket, and has been nominated for Assembly, also as county treasurer. He owns a handsome brick dwelling, equipped with all modern improvements, situated just north of Washington borough.

Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania; Chicago; J. H. Beers & Co., 1893.

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