Free Genealogy Biography of Francis Zinn
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War
Francis S. Zinn
Francis S. Zinn junk dealer of Hanover, Penn., was born in Austria in 1847, and is the eldest of two sons of George J. and Theresa (Hergesell) Zinn, natives of Austria. The father was a major in the Austrian army for eighteen years; he came to this country in 1858 and settled at Hanover; in 1862 he enlisted in Company G, One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, 166th Regiment, for one year, and died in 1879.
Francis S. was brought up at Hanover, where he received a good German and English education, which enabled him to teach a German school in New York State one term.
In 1868 he was married to Belinda Parr. who died, leaving five children: Ida K., George W., Otto J., Harry W. (deceased) and Rosa J. Mr. Zinn belongs to the Lutheran Church of Hanover; is a Mason and a member of the I. O. O. F., commander of Encampment No. 47, of Hanover. In politics he is an active Democrat, and has held the offices of assessor, school director, district superintendent of schools of Heidelberg and Penn Townships, and in 1880 was enumerator of the census for the same townships. Before engaging in his present business he followed farming.
Source: York County, Pennsylvania Biographical History, John Gibson, Chicago: F.A. Battey Publishing Co., 1886.
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Zinn in Census Images
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Zinn in PA County History Books
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