Pennsylvania Volunteers of the Civil War
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VW Civil War Volunteer Soldiers

Fifth West Virginia Cavalry, Company I

Formerly Second (2nd) Virginia Infantry

Recruited in Coal Center & California Pennsylvania.

The McKennan Infantry "The Boatmaen"
5th WV Regiment Co. I

. This company was raised from Greenfield (modern Coal Center) and California, Washington Co., Pennsylvania. The following is a quote from the book on this company called "The History of the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry." "The first Sunday after the news that Fort Sumter had been attacked, was one of intense excitement. Early in the morning the martial band was brought out, and ere long a crowd was gathered behind it and formed into a procession, which paraded through the two towns. A halt was called upon the banks of the Monongahela River in Greenfield, and speeches were made of the most inflammatory character; and the nucleus of a military organization was formed. Other meetings wre held, and on April 17, 1861, a company was fully enlisted, and it was named the "McKennan Infantry," in honor of Hon. William McKennan, of Washington, Pa." "Notice was sent to the Govenor of Pennsylvania, that the company had enlisted and it was at his call for duty, and the answer came that our state could not receive us, the quota of three months men not only being filled, but a large number of enlistments ahead. At last the word came that loyal Virginia was streaching forth her hands, asking the loyal sons of Pennsylvania to come to her help, and we decided to enter the service of that state. The order came for the company to report to Wheeling on July 10." The company was mustered into U.S. service July 10, 1861; the company was mustered out July 28, 1864.


Captain SMITH, Lewis E. Resigned Nov. 23, 1862. Struck by piece of shell at Cross Keys. Captured at Fauquier Co., Va., Aug. 1862. Taken to Libby Prison, where his health was broken down. He was later paroled and exchanged. 1st. Lt & TRUXAL, Norval W. Promoted from 1st. Lieutenant To Captain, Dec. 27, Captain 1862. Elected Captain Nov. 24, 1862. 1st. Lieutenant DEVORE, A.A. Resigned Oct. 10, 1861. Sgt. & 2nd.Lieutenant BILLINGSLEY, JamesK. Promoted to Captain Co. C., Apr. & 1st. Lieutenant 15,1863. Wounded in Ankle at Cross Keys. 1st. Lieutenant DAY, Charles H. Transferred from Co. H & E, May 24, 1863. Elected 1st.Lieutenant Dec. 3, 1863. 1st. Lieutenant WILLIAMSON, D.F. Transferred from Co. K. Resigned. Sgt. & MONTGOMERY, James B. Promoted from Sgt. To 2nd. Lieutenant, Dec. 25, 2nd. Lieutenant 1862. Corporal & HUTCHISON, O.M.J. Promoted from Corporal to 1st. Sgt., May 25, 1st. Sgt. 1863. Sgt. KENT, Jacob Sgt. QUALK, Jacob Discharged for disability, Dec. 15, 1861. Sgt. HORNBAKE, Jacob Wounded in arm at 2nd. Bull Run. Sgt. LATTA, Alexander Corporal &. UNDERWOOD, George Captured at West Union. Paroled. Sgt. Corporal AMALONG, Samuel Discharged for disability, Feb. 18, 1862. Corporal BIGELOW, James T. Prisoner Corporal DWYER, Theophilus Wounded at Rocky Gap & Captured, Aug.26, 1863. Corporal KENT, Samuel Wounded at 2nd. Bull Run, Captured at West Union. Corporal GARTON, William Wounded at 2nd. Bull Run, Captured on Salem Raid, Dec. 1863. Died in Andersonville. Corporal LEADBEATER, Abrm. Discharged for disability, Oct. 1861. Corporal LICHTEBERGER, Elijah Prisoner. Corporal LOPP, John Discharged for disability, Jan.22, 1863. Corporal MAYHORN, Robert Captured at West Union. Corporal WARD, Stephen H. Prisoner. Corporal WEAVER, John H. Wagoner & DOWLER, James R. Farrier. Private AILES, John F. Killed by falling tree, Nov. 27, 1861. AMMON, Jesse Captured on Salem Raid, Dec. 1863. BARNHART, Henry Wounded at Beverly, Apr. 24, 1863, Died of wounds. BENEDICT, Sidney J. Deserted. BILLINGSLEY, Jacob D. Re-enlisted, Jan. 5, 1864. BEE, Thomas Captured at 2nd. Bull Run. BOYD, George D. Captured near Centerville. BUNTING, William Re-enlisted Jan.5, 1864. BALDWIN, Nathaniel Transferred to Invalid Corps, Nov. 1863. BLAIR, James W. BILLINGSLEY, W.H. Wounded at Rocky Gap, Aug. 26, 1863, Captured. Died at Savannah. CARPENTER, David O. Trans. From Co. B., July 1, 1863?, Re-enlisted as veteran, Jan. 5,1864. CHESTER, Joseph W. CLARK, Aug. Captured at Rocky Gap, Aug. 26, 1863. CLENDANIEL, Silas J. CLENDANIEL, George W. Recruit, July 5, 1863. Trans. To Co. G., July 19, 1864. CONNARD, John H. CROW, John N. Re-enlisted as veteran, Jan. 5, 1864. CRUMRINE, Marion Re-enlisted as veteran, Jan. 5, 1864. DEHAVEN, Jehu DEVERS, Henry E. Also listed as H.E. DEVORE. DOWLING, Michael Also listed as M. DOWLING. EVANS, John C. Discharged for disability, Jan. 1, 1863. FITTSIMMONS, G.H. FREEMAN, Louis, M. Died of Typhoid Fever, Feb. 14, 1862. GEHO, William Captured at West Union. GORDON, James H. Discharged for disability, May 31, 1862. GRAHAM, Dewitt C. Discharged for disability, Jan. 22, 1863. HARRIS, Andrew, J. Wounded at 2nd. Bull Run, Discharged Nov.21,1862. HARRIS, Andrew, J. Recruit July 5, 1863, Transferred to Co.G., July 19, 1864. HARRIS, William J. Captured at West Union. HERRON, Robert HIXENBAUGH, Charles S. Captured at Rocky Gap, Aug. 22, 1863. HOWDEN, Noble Also known as N. HOUDON. HOWE, Daniel Killed by Guerrillas at Bull Pasture, Va., Apr. 26, 1863. HOWE, Lemuel B. Recruit July 5, 1863. Wounded & captured at Rocky Gap, Aug.27, 1863. Died in Andersonville. HORNBAKE, William H. Musician. JOBES, Andrew, N. JOBES, Joseph Captured at West Union. JOBES, Albert Left at Armory Square Hospital, Sept. 25, 1862. Discharged. JOBES, Samuel JOBES, William Discharged for disability, Sept. 8, 1862. JOHNSON, James Discharged for disability, Nov. 15, 1861. JOHNSON, Joseph JONES, Edward Wounded at Bull Run. Captured. LANCASTER, Hugh LATTA, William L. MARKER, George Re-enlisted as veteran, Jan. 25, 1864. MAYHORN, Joseph E. Discharged for disability, Jan. 22, 1863. McCAIN, Isaac C. Recruit, July 5, 1863. Trans. To Co. G., July 19, 1864. McCOY, Robert A. McCOY, William McDONALD, Robert A. MILLER, Sansom Deserted. MOORE, Allen McLAUCHLIN, John Discharged for disability, Oct. 26, 1861. McCAIN, James P. NORCROSS, Albert Recruit, July 5, 1863. Trans. To Co. G., July 19, 1864. NORCROSS, William PATTERSON, Nathaniel Discharged for disability, Jan. 22, 1863. PETERS, John Discharged for disability, Sept. 27, 1863. PHILLIPS, David R. QUALK, Hiram Shot through right lung, May 1864. READER, Frank S. Captured READER, James Discharged for disability, Oct. 22, 1861. RIMMEL, Frederick Captured at Bull Run? RIMMEL, John. S. Wounded at 2nd. Bull Run. RIMMEL, John Jr. RUSSEL, Felix SHAFFER, Aug. Discharged for disability, Aug. 8, 1862. SHOWALTERS, William Deserted. SIKES, Nehemiah SIVERT, Charles W. Wounded in leg-amputated. Fauq. W.H. Sulphur Springs, Aug.26, 1862. Discharged, Jan. 9, 1863. SOULSBY, Cuthbert Killed at Grafton, July 7, 1863. THOMAS, Phillip Recruit. TRUXAL, Henry F. Recruit Nov. 15, 1862. Died of Typhoid Fever at Beverly, Dec. 31, 1862. TRUXAL, John W. Recruit, Nov. 15, 1862. Trans. To Co. G., July 19, 1864. UNDERWOOD, Elihu Re-enlisted as veteran, Jan. 5, 1864. Bugler. WALKER, Thomas J. Wounded in leg at Bull Pasture, while out with foraging party. WEAVER, Abraham V. WEAVER, John WELLS, Hiram A. WILKINS, William R. WILLIAMS, John R. WISE, Elloit Finley WORRELL, William H. YOUNG, Nathaniel YOUNG, Robert YOUNG, Thomas Orderly. Trans. To Ewing's Battery, Nov. 13, 1861.

Roster Source: "A History of the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry, Formerly the Second Virginia Infantry" by Frank S. Reader, New Brighton, Pa. 1890. Contributed by Glen Dixon Civil War Databases

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