PA Civil War Era Newspaper Transcription
Adams County, Pennsylvania
Gettysburg Compiler - November 17, 1862
Death of Two Soldiers
We announce with regret the death of William J. Walker, of Bendersville, and David Stoner, Of Mummasburg, members of Capt. Walter's Company, 138th Regiment, now on duty at the Relay House, between Baltimore and Washington.
Mr. Walker died on Monday, and his remains arrived here on Wednesday and were taken in charge by the friends. He leaves a wife and small family, who were dependent on him for support.. His age was 41 years.
Mr. Stoner's remains arrived on Thursday, and were also taken in charge by friends. He was aged 21 years and 19 days. Both died of typhoid fever, near the same time. Therer were good soldiers and much esteemed by all who knew them.
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