PA Civil War Era Newspaper Transcription
Delaware County, Pennsylvania
Delaware County American - September 24, 1862
The Gallant Colonel Thomas S. Bell is No More
We are pained to announce in our paper of today, the death of our townsman - the heroic Col. Thomas S. Bell of the Pennsylvania 51st Regiment, who fell gloriously defending the flag of his country, in the recent battles in the State of Maryland. He belonged to Gen. Burnside Division. We learn that his mortal remains will be brought to this place today for interment in his native country.
Col. Bell was a soldier, every inch of him. When he was addressed a short time ago, on the subject of allowing his name to be used as a candidate for Congress, in this district, as the coming election, he replied emphatically, NO! - that he had volunteered to serve his country to aid in putting down the rebellion, and that he could accept no civil office until the war was over; that he intended to stick to the Union army for weal or for woe.
The conduct of this young hero is above all praise. He is an honor to his family, and the country for which he fought, bled and died. Peace to his hallowed remains.
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