PA Civil War Era Newspaper Transcription
Indiana County, Pennsylvania
Indiana Democrat - July 17, 1962
Federal Prisoners in Richmond.
The Richmond Dispatch of the 30th, has a very full account of the great battles before Richmond. Among other things it gives the names of the most notable federal officers captured, among which we notice those of
Brig. Gen, J F Reynolds
Capt W. C. Kingsbury, A A G to Gen Reynolds.
1st Pa Regiment
Capt A E Miles,
Lieut T G McNaughten,
Lieut B Lewis,
7th Pa Regiment
Capt S B King,
Captain E Lant,
Capt James P Duff,
8th Pa Regiment
Lieut L B Woltz,
11th Pa Regiment
Major P A Johns,
First Lieut James S Kennedy,
Capt E Bierer,
First Lieut Thomas H. Lockwood,
Capt Thos H. Spires,
First Lieut Eli Wangaman,
2nd Lieut David Perry,
Capt Nath Nesbit,
Capt Dan Kistler,
2nd Lieut L A Johnston,
Capt Wm Stewart,
2nd Lieut John Kuhn,
Capt E R Brady,
First Lieut J B George,
Second Lieut Cyrus Butler,
Second Lieut W F Jackson,
Col Thomas F Gallagher,
Lieut Col L M Jackson,
Surgeon J S De Bonville,
Adj Robert A McCoy,
First Lieut D R Coder,
Second Lieut ft M Burkeman,
1st Pa Rifles, 42nd Regiment
Lieut R D Hall,
62nd Pa Regiment
Lt Col J B Switzcr,
Whilst we are sorry for the fate of these gallant officers, we rejoice that it is no worse. Capts. N. Nesbit and Thomas H. Spires, are from this county, and Capt, Brady, (who had been reported killed,) from Jefferson. In justice to these gallant men, and the thousands who are languishing in Southern prisons, we hope the Government will consent to a general exchange. The people demand this.
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