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PA Civil War Volunteer SoldiersOne Hundred and Sixty-second Regiment, Company ESeventeenth CavalryI was able to locate your Captain Martin REINHOLD in thePentagon library. He was killed in action and his death is notedin official dispatch by hisheadquarters. He was a member of theSeventeenth Pennsylvania (Cavalry?). He was killed in a skirmishnear the Opequon River which is near Charles Town, WV (nearHarpers Ferry, WV) Your date of September 7, 1863 appears to becorrect.I could not find a reference to your Col Jessie or CaptUriah in my source document "The War of the Rebellion: ACompilation of the Official Records ofthe Union and ConfederateArmies". All that means is that they were not mentioned indispatches that were compiled in the book when it waspublishedby the Secretary of War in 1893. I suugest you try tocontact the PennsylvaniaState Library. It probably has a unithistory of the Seventeenth Pennsylvania and may be able tolocate Jessie and Uriah as well, if not in the Seventeenth,thenin another regiment. The aforementioned War of the Rebellion listed 3 REINHOLDs; yourMartin and a Henry S. Reinhold and a Reuben I. Reinhold. Ididn't have time on this visit to research which units they werein, etc. but will attempt to do so the next time I go to thePentagon library. Send me your s-mail address and I will send you the Xerox copiesof the entries I recorded (4 pages) for Martin Reinhold. Take care and God bless. Andy Date: Sun, 21 May 95 08:31:42 EDT From: "ANDY REVIE, REVIE@PE" It looks like September 7, 1864 is the correct date of Martin's death. The index lists a skirmish as having occured on October7, 1863. The dispatch mentioning Martin's having been killed inaction is dated October 23, 1864. I jumped at the month and didn't consider the year until I read your e-mail. No specificdate is mentioned but Martin's death is noted between 2 otherevents (Sept 6 and Sept 9). Also the new REINHOLD (Reuben)doesn't have a middle initial of I as I mentioned; I is the volume of the compendium where the entry is made. The next time I visit the Pentagon library, I'll see what I canlearn about Henry S. and Reuben. There should be a unit historyof the Seventeenth Penn. Cav. in there somewhere (hopefully) soI might be able to locate Jessie and Uriah too. I checked the index of PA Civil War Soldiers at the PA statearchives in Harrisburg for the REINHOLDS. I found 2 of the 3: Martin R. Reinholds, Co. F, 17th Calv. enrolled - 1 Sep 1862 at Lebanon, PA, age 21 mustered in - 19 Sep 1862 as pvt. at Harrisburg residence - Reinholdsville, PA promoted to Sgt. 19 Nov 1862 " to 2nd Lieutenant 25 Nov 1862 " to Captain 21 Jul 1864 of company I transferred to Co. E 21 Jul 1864 killed 7 Sep 1864 near Opequa Creek, VA Also known as battle of Cedar CreekBates' PA Volunteers, vol. 4, p. 1006 - Captain Martin Reinholdswas killed at Buncetown Crossing of the Opequan. This is nearCharles Town amd Harpers Ferry VA (Now West VA).Captain Martin Reinhold - brother of Uriah Was killed at Summers Point, Va. in battle during the Civil War,just nine days before his twenty third birthday. Sheridan's Valley Campaign (August 1864-March 1865) Early'sthreat to Washington, Crook's defeat at Second Kernstown, andthe burning of Chambersburg, forced Lieutenant Gen. Ulysses S. Grantmove decisively to end the Confederate threat in the lowerShenandoah Valley. Grant returned the VI and XIX Corps to theValley, reinforced by two divisions of cavalry, and consolidatedthe various military districts of the region under Maj. Gen.Philip H. Sheridan, who assumed command of the Middle MilitaryDistrict at Harpers Ferry on August 7. Early deployed his forces to defend the approaches toWinchester, while Sheridan moved his army, now 50,000 strong,south via Berryville with the goal of cutting the ValleyTurnpike. On August 11, Confederate cavalry and infantry turnedback Union cavalry at Double Toll Gate in sporadic, day-longfighting, preventing this maneuver. Lee was quick to reinforce success and sent Maj. Gen. JosephKershaw's infantry division of the First Corps, Fitzhugh Lee'scavalry division, and an artillery battalion, under overallcommand of Lieutenant Gen. Richard Anderson, to join Early. On August16, Union cavalry encountered this force advancing through FrontRoyal, and in a sharp engagement at Guard Hill, Brig. Gen.George A. Custer's brigade captured more than 300 Confederates. Sheridan had been ordered to move cautiously and avoid a defeat, particularly if Early were reinforced from the Petersburg line.Uncertain of Early's and Anderson's combined strength, Sheridanwithdrew to a defensive line near Charles Town to cover the Potomac River crossings and Harpers Ferry. Early's forces routedthe Union rear guard at Abrams Creek at Winchester on August 17and pressed north on the Valley Turnpike toBunker Hill. JudgingSheridan's performance thus far, General Early considered him a timid'' commander. On August 21, Early and Anderson launched a converging attack against Sheridan. As Early struck the main body of Union infantry at Cameron's Depot, Anderson moved north fromBerryville against Sheridan's cavalry at Summit Point. Resultsof the fighting were inconclusive, but Sheridan continued towithdraw. The next day, Early advanced boldly on Charles Town,panicking a portion of the retreating Union army, but by lateafternoon, Sheridan had retreated into formidable entrenchmentsat Halltown, south of Harpers Ferry, where he was beyond attack. Early then attempted another incursion into Maryland, hoping by this maneuver to maintain the initiative. Leaving Anderson withKershaw's division entrenched in front of Sheridan at Halltown,he directed the rest of the army north toward Shepherdstown. OnAugust 25, two divisions of Sheridan's cavalry interceptedEarly's advance, but the Confederate infantry drove them back tothe Potomac River in a series of actions along Kearneysville-Shepherdstown Road. Early's intentions were revealed, however,and on August 26, Sheridan's infantry attacked and overran aportion of the Confederate entrenchments at Halltown, forcingAnderson and Kershaw to withdraw to Stephenson's Depot. Earlyabandoned his raid and returned south, establishing a defensiveline on the west bank of Opequon Creek from Bunker Hill toStephenson's Depot. On August 29, Union cavalry forded the Opequon at SmithfieldCrossing (Middleway) but were swiftly driven back across thecreek and beyond the hamlet by Confederate infantry. Unioninfantry of the VI Corps then advanced and regained the line ofthe Opequon. This was one more in a series of thrusts andparries that characterized this phase of the campaign, known tothe soldiers as the mimic war.'' On September 2-3, Averell's cavalry division rode south fromMartinsburg and struck the Confederate left flank at BunkerHill, defeating the Confederate cavalry but being driven back byinfantry. Meanwhile, Sheridan concentrated his infantry nearBerryville. On the afternoon of September 3, Anderson's commandencountered and attacked elements of Crook's corps (Army of WestVirginia) at Berryville but was repulsed. Early brought hisentire army up on the 4th, but found Sheridan's position atBerryville too strongly entrenched to attack. Early againwithdrew to the Opequon line. On September 15, Anderson with Kershaw's division and anartillery battalion left the Winchester area to return to Lee'sarmy at Petersburg and by the 18th had reached the VirginiaPiedmont. Early spread out his remaining divisions fromWinchester to Martinsburg, where he once more cut the B&ORailroad. When Sheridan learned of Anderson's departure andtheraid on Martinsburg, he determined to attack at once whilethe Confederate army was scattered. On September 19, Sheridan advanced his army on the BerryvilleTurnpike, precipitating the battle of Opequon. By forcedmarches, Early concentrated his army in time to interceptSheridan's main blow. The battle raged all day on the hills eastand north of Winchester. Early's veterans decimated twodivisions of the XIX Corps and a VI Corps division in fightingin the Middle Field and near the Dinkle Barn. Confederatedivision commander Maj. Gen. Robert E. Rodes and Union divisioncommander Brig. Gen. David A. Russell were killed within a fewhundred yards of one another in the heat of the fighting. Latein the afternoon a flanking movement by Crook's corps and theUnion cavalry finally broke Early's overextended line north of town. Opequon was a do-or-die effort on the part of both armies,resulting in nearly 9,000 casualties. For the last forty miles of its journey to the Potomac, theShenandoah River is paralleled on the west by a meandering,high- banked stream called Opequon Creek, or simply the Opequon(Oh- PECK-n) which arises in the vicinity of Winchester anddrains the western portion of the Lower Valley, emptying intothe Potomac River. Also reported to have been killed at the battle of Cedar Creek Killed near Opequan Creek, VA Sep. 7 1864 On the 2" of July in the year 1862, President Abraham Lincolncalled upon the State of Pennsylvania to provide threeadditional regiments of cavalry. One of these regiments was the162 Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, also known as the 17Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment. Company E of this regiment wasraised primarily in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. All of thecompanies of the new regiment met at Camp Simmons (nearHarrisburg, Pennsylvania) where they completed a regimentalorganization on the 18 of October 1862. At the head of theregiment was Colonel Josiah H. Kellogg, a former Captain in theFirst United States Cavalry Regiment. Many of the men werefarmers, lumbermen and mechanics. A few had served in theMexican War. Unlike most volunteer cavalry regiments in FederalService, the majority of the members of the 17 Pennsylvania wereunusually good horsemen. Several days after the organization of the regiment, itproceeded to Camp M(north of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania)where sabres, pistols, horses, and equipment were issued.Colonel Kellogg initiated the commencement of drill, puttingforth strenuous efforts to perfect its discipline. The newregiment moved to Washington on the 25 of November. After a fewdays camped on East Capitol Hill, the regiment was ordered tothe front. The regimental baptism of fire was not long waiting. On the 22"of December 1862, they had a sharp skirmish with Hampton's Legion at Occoquan. The regiment drove the Legion acrossOccoquan Creek and pursued them for some distance. In January of1863, the 17 Pennsylvania Cavalry was near StafFord Court Housein Virginia. There, it was brigaded with the 6 New York Cavalry,the 6 United States Cavalry, and the 8 Pennsylvania Cavalry toform the 2" Brigade of the First Cavalry Division. The BrigadeCommander was Colonel Thomas C. Devin. The 17 Pennsylvania Cavalry moved with Hookercolumn on theChancellorsville campaign. On the 2" of May 1863, the regiment(under the orders of General Pleasanton) helped turn the routeof the Eleventh Corps. Although this was a new regiment, GeneralPleasanton had the following to oBer concerning the conduct ofthe 17 Pennsylvania Cavalry in this action; "The coolnessdisplayed by the Seventeenth Pennsylvania Regiment, in rallyingfugitives, and supporting the batteries (including Martin)which repulsed the enemyattack under Jackson, on the eveningof the 2nd instant, has excited the highest admiration." The 17Pennsylvania Cavalry was next engaged in the raid across theRappahannock River at Beverly and Kellyfords (Virginia) wherethey fought the rear guard action for the column as the Federalforces recrossed the River on the 9 of June 1863. Followingtheir return, the regiment was posted to picket duty along theRiver. On the 21" of June 1863, they repulsed an enemy attacknear Middleburg (Virginia), driving them back to Upperville(Virginia) where the action continued. The next significant action of the regiment was at Gettysburg(Pennsylvania) where the 17 Pennsylvania Cavalry holds the distinction of being one of the units credited with firing the first shot of that epic engagement. Although the issue of which unit earned that honor will forever be subject to debate, there can be no question as to the heroic contribution of the men ofthe 17 Pennsylvania Cavalry in the opening hours of the Battleof Gettysburg. Assigned to Brigadier General John Buford they made a desperate stand against the Confederateadvance of General A. P. HillCorps, depriving the enemy from taking the "high ground" and thereby preventing the Confederateforces from securing a topographical advantage for the ensuingengagement. According to General Alfred Pleasonton, the commander of the Federal Cavalry Corps at Gettysburg, "Buford,with his four thousand cavalry, attacked Hill, and for four hours splendidly resisted his advance, until Reynolds and Howardwere able to hurry to the field, and give their assistance. To the intrepidity, courage and fidelity of General Buford and hisbrave division, the country and the army owe the field ofGettysburg." After the arrival of the infantry (beginning withReynolds), the cavalry was redeployed to protect the flanks andthe lines of communication. On the 6 of July 1863, the cavalryunder Buford began a sharp fight west of Boonsboro, Maryland. Onthe morning of the 7 of July 1863, the 17 Pennsylvania Cavalry(together with the 9 New York Cavalry) had a severe skirmishwith the enemy. There followed daily skirmishing until the Confederate forces retired across the river, thus ending the campaign. At Raccoon Ford, the 17 Pennsylvania Cavalry earned a specialcommendation from the Division commander when they left theirhorses sheltered and rushed to the relief of the 4 New York Cavalry, who were under attack and being shelled by artillery.The 17 Pennsylvania cavalry saved them from capture, and securedthe line until being reinforced by the 12th Army Corps. The remainder of the Fall campaign of 1863 was also very active forthe unit, as they were engaged at Morton's Ford, Stevensburg, Brandy Station, Oak Hill, Bealton Station, Rickseysville,Rapidan, and Mine Run before going into Winter quarters atCulpepper. The 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry was engaged in picketduty on a long line in the direction of James City for the duration of the Winter. At the opening of the Spring campaign of 1864, the Regiment wasmoved to Chancellorsville. On the 6th of May 1864, it was sentto Furnace, where it occupied a position on the left of the line. It was heavily engaged all day, fighting dismounted, and preventing the enemy from turning the Federal flank. The following day, it was removed to the Spottsylvania Road andencamped at ToddTavern. On the 8th of May 1864, theywithstood repeated charges of the enemy until relieved by the5th Army Corps. On the following day, they participated in theCavalry raid under General Sheradin toward Richmond. On the way,they rescued prisoners at Beaver Dam Station and engaged in adismounted fight at Yellow House, where the 17th PennsylvaniaCavalry was in the charging column. The Regiment was in the leadof the charge at Meadow Bridge against enemy infantry andartillery, driving them from their works in confusion. This featwas accomplished during a raging thunderstorm. On the 25th ofMay, they rejoined the Army of the Potomac near ChesterfieldStation. On the 26th of May 1864, the Regiment crossed the Pamunky Riverat New Castle Ferry and drove the enemy from their positions. Onthe 28th of May, elements of the Regiment were engaged atBethesda Church and Old Church Tavern. At Cold Harbor, the 17thPennsylvania Cavalry fought a dismounted action to hold the leftflank of the Federal line. Once relieved by infantry, theRegiment moved in the direction of Lynchburg. On the 10th ofJune 1864, the Regiment moved to the scene of the Spottsylvaniabattleground, where they rescued 35 wounded Federal soldiers ata Field Hospital. They rejoined the column near TrevillionStation where they were immediately sent to the front, wherethey were in a hot engagement that lasted until the 12th ofJune. The Regiment was then engaged with the enemy near WhiteHouse Landing on the 21st of June 1864, and subsequently atJonesBridge on the 23rd of June, and Charles City Court Houseon the 24th. On the 26th, the Cavalry under Sheridan crossed theJames River, but one month later returned to the left bank andmoved toward Richmond. At RuffinHouse, enemy videttes werediscoved and driven back. This was followed on the 28th, by adismounted action that drove the enemy infantry from theirposition. The next day, they recrossed the James River andretraced their steps in an effort to mislead the enemy as to thereal strength of the Federal forces on the Richmond side of theRiver. On the 30th, they returned to the Federal lines beforePetersburg, Virginia. In August, General Philip H. Sheridan was ordered to command theArmy of the Shenandoah. With him, went elements of his oldcommand, including the 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry. At that time,Major Reinhold, Major of the 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry (Note -this is Reubin R.), was honorably discharged, and was succeededby Captain Weidner H. Spera. On the 11th of August 1864, theRegiment moved toward Newtown, engaging the enemy. When stiffresistance was met, the Regiment made a charge which dislodgedthe enemy. On the 16th of August, the Regiment was engaged atFront Royal. The Regiment was next engaged at Kearnysville onthe 25th of August 1864. Near Shepherdstown, the 17thPennsylvania Cavalry made a charge against the forces that hadattacked General Georeg A. Custer, in a successful attempt torelieve his column. For the next several weeks, almost constantskirmishing ensued, with the Regiment being engaged atSmithfield on the 29th, White Post on the 1st of September 1864,the Berryville and Buncetown crossing of the Opequon on the 7thof September (Note - Martin was killed here on this date, and atBunker Hill on the 13th of September. General Sheridan then went on the offensive. With the 17thPennsylvania leading the charge, he made his attack upon GeneralJubal A. Earlyforces. General Sheridan reported that "Iattacked the forces of General Early over the Berryville Pike,at the crossing of the Opequon Creek, and after a most desperateengagement, which lasted from early in the morning until fiveoin the evening, completely defeated him, driving himback through Winchester and capturing about two thousand fivehundred prisoners, five pieces of artillery, nine battle flags,and most of their wounded." After the battle, the Regiment was ordered to report to ColonelEdwards, the Post commander at Winchester. There, they wereemployed in guarding against the actions of guerillas, andcharged with keeping open lines of communication and supplies.On the 15th of October 1864, a detachment of the 17thPennsylvania Cavalry, under Major Spera, was the escort ofGeneral Sheridan to the front, thus earning a place for theRegiment in the famous "SheridanRide." On the 27th, theRegiment rejoined the Division. On the 19th of December 1864, General Torbert led his command byFront Royal into the Valley of Virginia. On the 22nd, he met anddrove the enemy at WhiteFord. The following day, he met themagain at Gordonsville. This time, he was forced to retire, withe 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry fighting the rear guard action.The Regiment then went into Winter quarters near Winchester. Atthis time, on the 27th of December 1864, Colonel Kellogg, incommand of the 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry, was honorablydischarged, and succeeded by Lieutenant Colonel Anderson. On the31st of December 1864, the Regiment was sent to Lovettsville toprotect the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. General Sheridan led the cavalry on a grand raid of the JamesRiver Canal (and other points of communication) beginning on the24th of February in 1865. They skirmished at Staunton, and bythe 6th of March had reached Scottsville, where the work ofdestruction began. They also moved on the Virginia CentralRailroad, which was rendered unserviceable. They rejoined thearmy before Petersburg on the 26th of March 1865. The Regiment was next engaged at Stony Creek. Hard fightingcontinued until the 6th of April 1865, when General Ewell wascaptured with one wing of the Confederate Army. The Regimentcontinued a running fight with the enemy until they reachedAppomattox Court House, where the entire Confederate forcecapitulated on the 9th of April 1865. Thus ended the War of theRebellion, now known as the American Civil War. The Regiment returned to Petersburg, Virginia. After a one weekrest, they marched to near Washington, District of Columbia,where it remained until the Regimental mustering out, whichoccurred on the 16th of June 1865. A detachment of the Regimentwas consolidated with elements of the 1st and 6th PennsylvaniaRegiments to form the 2nd Provisional Cavalry, Which remained inservice until being mustered out at Louisville, Kentucky on the7th of August 1865. In his farewell order to the 17thPennsylvania Cavalry, General Devin stated the following; "Infive successive campaigns, and in over three score engagements,you have nobly sustained your part. Of the many gallantregiments from your State none has a brighter record, none hasmore freely shed its blood on every battle field from Gettysburgto Appomattox. Your gallant deeds will be ever fresh in thememory of your comrades of the Iron Brigade and the FirstDivision. Soldiers, Farewell!" ROSTER OF COMPANY E, Officers 17th PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY Captain William Tice, Mustered in 27 Oct 1862, wounded at OldChurch Tavern VA 30 May 1864, Discharged 20 Jun 1865 1st Lieutenant Reuben R. Reinhold, Mustered in 2 Oct 1862,Promoted to Major 22 Oct 1862 1st Lieutenant Levi F. Loux, Mustered in 26 Sep 1862, Promotedto 1stSgt 1 Aug 1864, Promoted 2nd Lieutenant9 Nov 1864, Promoted 1st Lieutenant10 Mar 1865, Discharged 20 Jun 1865 1st Lieutenant Urias R. Reinhold, Mustered in 27 Oct 1862,Promoted 2nd Lieutenant25 Nov 1862, Promoted to Captain of Company I on 13 Feb 1865 2nd Lieutenant Martin R. Reinhold, Mustered in 19 Sep 1862,1stSgt, Promoted 2nd Lieutenant25 Nov 1862, Promoted to Captain ofCompany I on 2 Jul 1864, Killed And more - the best: Also called Urias. Also called Riley Captian Union Army, Was in Civil War and later a city official in Canton, Ohio Urias R. Reinhold, Co. I, 17th Calv. Urias R Reinhold Enlist Date Enlist Place Enlist Rank Enlist Age 27 October 1862 2nd Lieut Promoted to Full 1st Lieut on 25 November 1862 Promoted to Full Capt on 13 February 1865 Served Pennsylvania Commission E Co. 17th Cav Reg. PA disch on 20 June 1865Transferred on 13 February 1865from Company E to Company I CANTON AND STARK COUNTY, OHIO. Captain URIAS ROYER REINHOLD. The family of which Captain Reinholdis a worthy descendant had its origin in Heilbrun, Germany, andwas first represented in America by two brothers who landed at Philadelphia as early as the year I700, ,one of them locating in what is now Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, the other settling somewhere in the South, never to be heard of afterwards,Christopher Reinhold, the former, built his home on what is known as "Black Horse Hill" in the county of Lancaster, having been one of the first settlers in that portion of the state. He was a married man and became the father of three sons and three daughters and, according to the most reliable information, from him have descended all the Reinholds now living in the United States. Among his lineal descendants was one Henry Reinhold,whose birth took place in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, March14, I786, and who was there united in marriage to Susan Conrad.She was born on the 15th of February, I784, in the county of Lancaster, her antecedents having settled there at an early period in the history of the colonies.' Both families contributed sons to the American cause during the Revolutionary struggle, the Reinholds in particular achieving considerable distinction as daring soldiers. Henry Reinhold was a man noted in his county, having held the office of justice of the peace for over forty years. He spent all his life in his native state, dying' in Lancaster county in the year I856, his widow surviving him until I867. They were the parents of six children, all of whom became well settled in life. several of them achieving distinction in private life and official stations. The oldest of the number, Col. Jesse Reinhold, a son of Henry, was several times elected to the general assembly of Pennsylvania and made an honorable record as an able and discreet legislator. He finished his earthly course in Lancaster county, and sleeps in the old Swamp burying ground, hallowed by the dust of several generations of his ancestors. Elizabeth, the second of the family, married Joel Sherrick, of Lancaster county and died in Indiana, to which state they. removed about the year I805. John, the father of the subject of this sketch, was the third in succession and after him came Rev. Jacob Reinhold, a Baptist minister of' much more than local repute, who departed this life a number of years ago in the county and state of-his birth.Benjamin, who also lived and died in Lancaster county, served several terms as county treasurer and was a man of much more than ordinary mental ability and high social standing. Anna, who married William Muth and moved to Myerstown, Pennsylvania, where she still resides, is the only member of the family now living.All the above sons and daughters were far above the average in their physical make-up, their combined weight exceeding fourteen hundred and fifty pounds, or an average of over two hundred and fifty pounds each. John Reinhold, the Captain's father, was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, about the year 1817. When a young man he learned the tanner's trade and for a number of years carried on the manufacture of leather in connection with agricultural pursuits. He continued farming and tanning on his own place until about l849, when he purchased the old homestead, after which he devoted considerable of his attention to the raising of live stock, especially cattle He also bought and shipped cattle upon an extensive scale and for quite a number of years did a large and thriving business, but meeting with financial reverses in I872 was obliged to retire from active life In 1882 he came to Canton, Ohio, and from that time until his death, ten years later, lived with his son, the subject of this review. His wife,who bore the maiden name of Leah Royer, was born in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, February 11 1815, the daughter of Jacob Royer, whose, forefathers came from Germany prior to the American struggle for independence and settled at what was afterwards called Royer's Ford; near the city of Philadelphia.One of the battles of the Revolution was fought on his forefather s farm, the family being eye witnesses of the action.Jacob Royer, father of Leah, settled at Millbach, Lebanon county, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Reinhold died in Millbach in 1881 and the year following Mr. Reinhold changed his abode to Canton, as stated above. The family of John and Leah Reinhold consisted of eight children, whose names in order of birth are as follows:Susan. now Mrs. Peter Cockley, of Richland, Pennsylvania: Urias R., of this sketch; Kate, wife of Samuel H. Adams, of Canton; Martin, who entered the service as orderly sergeant of Company E, Seventeenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, in the late Civil war, was subsequently promoted second lieutenant, still later was made captain of Company I of the same command and in I864 fell while leading his men against the enemy in the battle of Cedar Creek; Benjamin, also a soldier, enlisted in Company E, of the above regiment, served until the close of the war and at the present time lives in Mexico; Harry resides at Reading, Pennsylvania; Jesse died at Richland, Pennsylvania, in I896, and Lizzie, who is unmarried, lives with her sister, Mrs. Adams, of Canton,Ohio. Referring to the life of Captain Urias R. Reinhold, it is learned that he was born at the old Royer home in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, on the 26th of March, I837. When he was three years old his parents moved to the county of Lancaster and there he attended the public and private schools until a youth of sixteen, meantime becoming acquainted with the more practical part of life by working at various kinds of manual labor. Desiring a more thorough intellectual training than could be acquired in such schools as he had been attending, he entered,at the age of sixteen, Rockville Academy, Chester county,Pennsylvania, where he pursued his studies one year and in I856 became a student of Mt. Joy Academy in the county of Lancaster. After attending the latter institution about the same length of time he turned his attention for one year to teaching and then assisted his father on the farm and in the tannery until attaining his majority. On reaching manhood's estate Mr.Reinhold, in partnership with a young gentleman of his acquaintance, engaged in the general mercantile trade at Myerstown, Pennsylvania, and continued there doing a good business until the fall of 1861, when he sold out his interests in the establishment for the purpose of entering the army. When the war cloud darkened the national horizon, he considered it the duty of every able bodied young man to tender his service to the country, consequently he did not long stand upon the order of his going, but at once, with Captain Tice, proceeded to enlist a company, raising in less than two weeks a force of one hundred and twenty men, the majority of them from Myerstown and vicinity. Upon the organization of this company, which was subsequently assigned to the Second Pennsylvania Cavalry, Mr. Reinhold was elected second lieutenant, his cousin, Reuben Reinhold having been made first lieutenant. When the latter was promoted major by Gov. Curtin, the subject succeeded to the first lieutenancy, his younger brother, Martin, being commissioned second lieutenant of the company, while Reuben, before mentioned, was promoted major. Mustered into the service at Camp Curtin, the regiment at once proceeded to the front,from which time until the close of the struggle its history is apart of the history of the war and need not be attempted in detail in an article of the character of this review. Briefly stated, however, the command experienced its full share of service during the darkest days of our national history, having been assigned to the Army of the Potomac in time to take part in all the noted battles of the several Virginia campaigns. With a single exception, Mr. Reinhold participated in every battle in which his command was engaged, the exception being the rout at Winchester, during which he was detailed on special duty elsewhere, although he reached the field in time to witness the termination of the battle. It is doubtful it any survivor of the great Rebellion can point to a record of so many battles as can the subject of this sketch, as witness the following, in all of which he nobly bore his part as a brave defender of the flag and at times performed such duties of daring as to entitle him to the lasting gratitude of the American people. To make the list more explicit as a matter of reference, not only the names of the engagements but the dates of their occurrence are also given, to wit: Chancellorsville, April 30th to May 2nd, inclusive, 1863; Beverly Ford, June 9th; Aldie, June 16th; Upperville, June 21st; Goose Creek, June 22nd; Gettysburg, July1st and 2nd; Williamsport, July 6th; Beaver Creek, July 8th; Brownsboro, July 9th; Falling Waters, July 14th; Brandy Station,August 1st; second action at Brandy Station, September 14th;Beacon Fort, September 14th; Barnett's Station, October 11th; Rappahannock Station, October 12th; Oak Hill, October 13th; Thoroughfare Gap, October 13th; Liberty, October 24h; Belton Station, October 28th to 30th; Ricksyville, November 8th; Mine Run, November 9th and December 1st. All of the fore going engagements having been fought in the year 1863. In the following year (1864) he took part in the battles of Barnett's Ford, February 3d, after which he was absent from his command on special duty during General Kilpatrick's raid to Richmond. Later he joined the company and participated in the fights at Todd's Tavern, May 7th and 8th; Yellow Tavern, May 11th; Meadow Bridge, May 12th; Hanovertown, May 27th; Hawes Shop, May 28th; Old Church, May 30th; Cold Harbor, May 31st to June 1st, inclusive; Trevillian Station, June 11th and 12th; White House, June 21st; Jones Bridge, June 23d; Darlington, July 28th; White Post,August 11th; Cedarville, August 15th; Berryville, August 22nd; Kernesville, August 25th; Leeton, August 28th; Smithville, August 24th; Cedar Creek, October 19th; Gordonsville, December22nd. During the years I865 he was in Sheridan's raid to the James river canal and White House from February 29th to March18th; Dinwiddie Court House, March 30th and 31st; Scott's Cross Roads, April 2nd; Drummond Hill, April 4h; Sailors Creek and Appomattox Station, April 6th; Appomattox Court House, April 9th, which witnessed the downfall of the Confederacy. To face death so many times and under so many different circumstances and escape with but slight injury seems little less than miraculous, but such is the record of this brave soldier, who inall these battles never shirked a responsibility nor shrank from a danger. For gallantry and praiseworthy conduct leading his men, he was promoted, February I3, I865, captain of Company I, succeeding his brother, Martin R. Reinhold, who was killed in action, which position he held at the time of his discharge. Mr.Reinhold was twice captured by the enemy, the first time while escorting a wagon train from Martinsburg to Winchester, but,thanks to the strength and fleetness of his horse, a noble animal of remarkable endurance, he succeeded in breaking away from his captors and leaving them far behind in his race for liberty. He and his men were twice surrounded by Mosby, but would not surrender and fought themselves out. At the battle of Dinrwiddie Station he was struck in the left ankle by a rifle ball, which inflicted a painful but not dangerous wound, and in several other engagements he was slightly injured, but never sufficiently serious as to cause him to be absent from duty. How many times he narrowly escaped death during his military experience may be inferred from the thirteen rents in his coat made by as many bullets, to say nothing of the close proximity of thousands of missiles which cut down his comrades around him like grain before the reaper in harvest time. Mr. Reinhold was discharged at Clouds Mill, Virginia, on the16th day of June, I865, and nine days later he returned home with a herd of twenty-five horses, which he purchased for the purpose of speculation. During the following year he dealt quite largely in live stock and then accepted a position as traveling salesman for a Philadelphia wholesale house, which he represented on the road during the greater parts of 1867 and 1868. While in the employ of this firm, he traveled over Ohio,with Canton as a base of operations, and on severing his connection with the house he decided to make this city his permanent place of residence. Securing a position as salesman with a mercantile firm, he moved his family here in 1869 and from that time until 1874 he served in the capacity of clerk,becoming familiar with every detail of the mercantile business the meantime. Resigning his clerkship, he again took the road for a wholesale house, and after spending three years in histerritory at a liberal pecuniary consideration gave up the position to become agent for a dealer in metallic goods, in which he continued two years and later took up the tombstone business and handled all kinds of granite and marble work for Banhof & Bros., of Canton, in which capacity he continued during the ensuing seven years. In the year 1882 Mr. Reinhold opened a small general grocery and provision store in Canton, since which time it has steadily increased until he has now a large and lucrative business at his present stand, his stock being now about two-thirds larger than when he began. In addition to the above lines, he also carries a full stock of notions and is in the enjoyment of a patronage that taxes to the utmost the capacity of his establishment,requiring all of his own time, besides the services of several additional salesman. As a business man Mr. Reinhold has long occupied a conspicuous place among the successful tradesmen of Canton and by careful attention to the demands of the public, as well as by sound judgment and superior management, has never been without a lucrative patronage. He has accumulated a comfortable competence and as a citizen he stands high in the esteem of the people, occupying as prominent a position in social circles as he does in the commercial world. Mr.Reinhold's wife, whose maiden name was Rebecca Groh, is a native of Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, and a daughter of Christian and Rebecca (Immel) Groh, both parents born and reared in the Keystone state. The first of Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold s children, a daughter by the name of Rebecca, died when quite young; the second, Sallie, departed this life at the age of five years; Martin U., the third, met his death in a railroad accident,April 10, I890, when twenty-three years old; Mary Ann, born August 2 I868, is the wife of Thomas S. Culp, of Canton; Kate,whose birth occurred on the 30th of August, I870, is still at home; John Christian, born in the year I872, was a locomotive engineer on the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad, but was killed in an accident, his engine running into an open switch; Urias George, the youngest, was born October I2, I882, and has never left the parental roof. Mr. Reinhold takes an active interest in public and political affairs and on state and national issues votes with the Republican party, being independent in matters local. He received the nomination for the office of member of the board of public service in March, of this year l903. He is a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows fraternities and a zealous worker in McKinley Post No. I2, Grand Army of the Republic, his name appearing on the charter of that organization. By an upright,manly course of conduct he has made his presence felt in the city of his adoption and all who know him bear testimony to his sturdy qualities, generous nature and genuine patriotism.Liberal, kind hearted and public spirited, he is warm and unsuspecting in his friendships and stands four square to every wind that blows, a man whom his fellow citizens love and whom his county delights to honor. Note - see Martin Royer Reinhold's notes. Death record 10/22/1917 Stark County Vol. 2407, Cert. # 67593Code 76 Urias, wife Rebecca, sons Martin U, John C and Urias George, daughter Kate, and daughter-in-law Bessie are all in Canton Twp West Laun Cem, row 8. Johanna Reinhold is burried in row 6. General Store in W. Myerstown at time of Civil War, Capt of Co.E PA Calv during the war out 3 yrs., afterward moved to Ohio. Now grocer in Canton O., sister Lizzie keeps house for him. Urias R. Reinhold plot at West Lawn Cemetery, Canton Twp.. Stark Cty., OH on the big marker with multiple names, front. After the Battle of Cedar Creek (Oct 9, 1864) in which Union losses were heavy, general Horatio Wright is reported to have remarked to Major James McKnight of Reading, Pa : "Your Pennsylvania Dutchmen don't seem to know when they are whipped." "By God, General," exclaimed McKnight, "most of them don't know when they are killed." |
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